
Maternal Mortality

  • Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) is estimated under the total number of live borns in a region or country
  • MMR is an indicator of development
  • Unfair and unjust inequalities are considered INEQUITIES
  • Attributable fraction is a way to measure the amount of inequity related with Maternal Mortality
  • Maternal Mortality is an unfair and unjust inequality
  • In the next slide we will see the relationship among MMR and Gross Deep Product adjusted per parity of Purchasing power (GDP-PPP) and Country Income Group.

Maternal Mortality inequity in the World using attributable fraction

Maternal Mortality Ratio and Attributable Fraction


Done by Javier Eslava-Schmalbach, Professor at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Coordinates were obtained from: http://download.maxmind.com/download/worldcities/worldcitiespop.txt.gzg. For each Country a mean of Lattude and Longitud cities values was estimated; Maternal mortality Rates were obtained for 2015, from https://data.unicef.org; Values of Groos Deep Product and Income Country Group were obtained from http://api.worldbank.org and http://databank.worldbank.org. Estimation of attibutable fraction could be practiced at https://jheslavas.shinyapps.io/attributablefractio/. Attributable Fraction was estimated using this formula: ((Local Mortality-Lowest Mortality)/Local Mortality)

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